Nov 17, 2009

Sleeping Baby+Dog is 9 months now!

See the image on my blog header of the baby sleeping on the dog? Well, I was excited because this past weekend, I got to see him and his dog again. He is 9 months now. We tried several times to recreate the baby/dog photo, but to no avail. Being leash-free in a big open field is dog heaven and she just couldn't be persuaded... But we still got some great shots of K, his mom and dad.

This is about the most still she would be. They said she does great with him. I bet they're gonna be good pals.

Oh, they brought along his little green tractor he likes to ride. There is a small little cotton crop growing in this field, so we stuck him in the middle of it like he was really farming or something. I actually had to stop and think, "How do they get cotton off the plant these days?" That's bad, huh?

Thank you again for the opportunity to photograph your sweet family. It was great seeing you again and I can't wait till next time! :) More soon...

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