May 17, 2010

Miss Kinley

Take a peek at this little bit of sweetness. Just under 2 weeks here, she was just the perfect baby for our session. Slept really well the entire time with very few breaks for eating and no crying at all. Better yet, she was really nice to me and kept all of my blankets, wraps, chairs, etc., clean as could be!

These parents have been waiting patiently for a sneak peek, so I figured what the hey, here's a big one. Not like I mind sharing all of the beautiful shots, anyway! Lots of these jumped out to me in B&W, so here she is:

Couldn't believe it... just when we thought she was "done" she would stir and then go right back to sleep. I.e., the reason for the wide variety of shots we were able to get!

Newborn sessions are always lengthy because we work on their schedule, but they are also totally worth it. They are never this small and pose-able again!!!!

1 comment:

Debi Farrell said...

More beautiful work ! What a beautiful baby!

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