Jun 5, 2010

Full of life... and color!

I got to meet up with this family again for a colorfun session (like that word? just made that one up!) at the Arboretum. These 2 kiddos are only about 6 months behind each of mine, and they reminded me so much of them. It's somewhat of a difficult age to photograph together because the older one is old enough to know what to do when the camera is pointed at them, but they can become frozen waiting on their younger siblings to pay attention!

I think it's also interesting when siblings are on completely opposite ends of the eye color spectrum...

AND to keep talking about color, this mom did a great job of coordinating everyone's outfits for the shoot!

1 comment:

Katy said...


Your work is amazing! After the morning we had at the Arboretum...hot temps, kids doing their own thing, bird pooping in hair :), you were still able to capture such precious moments. I cannot wait to see the rest of the pictures. Thank you again!

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