Jul 12, 2010

Hudson, 1 week

Meet little Mr. Hudson at just one week old here. What a good sleeper he was! Even though you can't see it a whole lot in these shots, he has a fringe of very dark hair close to his neck. I am predicting near black as it grows in! And his mama looks guhhhh-rate for having had a baby ONE week ago. Wow. Not fair, seriously.

I recently bought this wire basket while in Austin for my girls' weekend with my 2 best college friends. We were at this very eclectic antique store.

They both go, "Are you getting that? It's one of those gym baskets you used like in middle school when you had to dress out."

I was like "Yeah, I'm gonna stick a baby in it."

So funny when they said, "You are going to stick a BABY in THAT!?!"

Yes, yes I am. And so I did.

Those toesies...

So curly and sleepy... snug as a bug.

That's all, folks! More soon! :)

1 comment:

The Gillaspie Family said...

I quite like your little gym basket. :)

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