Jul 10, 2010

Variety is the Spice!

And we had lots of it during this session! Despite the sweltering heat and the fact that all 4 of us (2 girls, me and their mom) were completely drenched in sweat, we were able to pull off plenty of good ones. It is always my goal to give clients variety and options when looking through their album, and this one definitely will do that.

Oh, and lately I have been sticking to what I consider very classic processing: enhanced colors and then some chosen images converted to black and white. But, I thought I'd have a little fun and edit some of these to have a bit more of a vintage appeal. I'd love to hear feedback from those of you out there viewing the blog. You can leave a comment here under this post, or on my facebook page. You can even stay anonymous - fine by me. As mentioned before, I will be announcing a "comment incentive" very, very soon!


The Gillaspie Family said...

Oh my goodness....how will K ever choose?!? I love them all. I think that the different processing styles match the pictures perfectly. Can't wait for our shoot! Time to start planning outfits! :)

Unknown said...

Julie -

I love the vintage look!!!
The pictures of these girls with rainboots and umbrellas are adorable!

Pamie Newsom

Julie said...

Thank you! Jen - can't wait for fall either, especially with how hot it has been lately. The fall and spring are really my fave times for outdoor shoots. Seems like the vintage processing is going over well, so maybe I'll incorporate that!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I LOVE the photos. The girls are precious and I think you captured their look perfectly by changing up the processing. Great work!

Abbie and Anna Claire said...

What a cute idea with the rain boots and umbrella! Love them! I need to start thinking of fun outfits for my girlies.

erin stecker said...

I can't wait for Kelsey to be old enough to have sister shots done, absolutely beautiful Julie LOVE the vintage processing and I love the colors K chose. I think I will have her pick my outfits next time :)

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