Apr 30, 2009

Family of Three

I met up with this fun family of three this past weekend in Rockwall. They brought along their shades to use in a few shots. You'll see below. It was pretty windy, which is a challenge for anyone who has long hair, but we managed okay. We did everything from fun, to funny, to traditional, to individuals. Without further adieu, check out these sneaks!

This is probably my favorite shot of big sis. So pretty!

This setting was just perfect for their sunglasses.

Mr. Tough Guy. I asked him to be serious, and to my surprise, he pulled it off really well without even cracking a grin! Doesn't he look so much more mature than 10 here?

And I'll end with a funny one here that makes me laugh. Reminds me of the goofy stuff my younger brother did that always had us laughing. Family at its best!

Thanks, guys! It was great meeting you, and I look forward to sharing the entire album with you very soon!

Apr 29, 2009

Parker, 6 months

Here is Mr. Parker. He recently passed his 6th month milestone, and Mommy decided she wanted to capture his little Michelin-man arms, curled toes, and chubby cheeks before he goes off and changes again like babies do. This shoot was so fun and easy because Parker was really laid back and put up with everything we tried on him! Once again, I got Mommy to jump in for a few shots. What do you know... a couple turned out to be some favorites that you are seeing here!

Oh yeah - I know I said in my last post that a family of three was coming up next. That was before we squeezed Parker in this past weekend. For real this time - family of three - you are next!

Apr 21, 2009

Baby Blue Eyes

Is she not a doll or what? As I said in the last post, you can't deny those beautiful eyes and lashes! This little lady will be celebrating her first birthday next week, so her mom wanted to give this "photo neglected" second child her very own little shoot.

I can't believe I am posting this many for the sneak peek, but she's worth it! Mom brought two of the sweetest little dresses that just worked out perfectly.

Had to lose the dress for this shot, but I'm pretty sure it's still G rated at this point...

Little game of peek-a-boo:

Gosh, can you imagine what these eyes will look like with mascara in a few years? Ok, well several years. Several.

Finally caught her little smile and dimples...

My mom picked up this antique chair for me not too long ago and I finally got to use it! It was the perfect size for her.

"All done!"

Coming up next: Family of Tres! Ok, family of three. I am getting so cheesy lately! Someone stop me! ;)

Apr 19, 2009

Photo Jewels gets published!

This past week I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph a local Dallas business for a trade magazine they will be featured in. This company won "Contractor of the Year" from the magazine, therefore earning them the front cover spot, as well as a 4 page spread inside the publication.

The article is scheduled to run in the May issue, so it won't be long before I'll see my work in print! I won't be sharing any sneak peeks of this shoot due to the nature of the job. However, I will post a link or screen shot when I get more info from the magazine.

In the meantime, stay tuned for some sneak peeks of a one year old girl with the most gorgeous blue eyes & eyelashes... Ok, well the eyelashes are black, but you get the picture... Haha.

Apr 12, 2009

Party of Four

Well, here I am, finally getting back in front of the computer again after battling the oh-so-pleasant stomach bug this week! Knocked me back a little more than I'd have liked, but everything is okay now. My apologies again to this very patient family who has been waiting a full week for these sneaks!

I love to go on shoots where the client has a little bit of an idea of what they want, but also is open to whatever I want to try on them. This family was just that. Plus the kids were really well-behaved and sweet! Mom and Dad are doing something right! :)

These two were really sweet with each other. I am pretty sure I was NOT like this with my brother, but I bet my mom wishes I had been!

Cracks me up... So tough at 5 and 3 years...

Definitely not your standard Olan Mills family portrait. I did take some more traditional ones, but you'll have to check the website for those later.

Mom and Dad having a little laugh together. Once you have kids, simply having recent photos of the people who started it all are rare (at least at my house!)

A little mommy-daughter time. We did combos of each child with each parent, but this one just stuck out to me.

Hope y'all enjoyed the preview. Thanks again for your super-patience this week!

Apr 4, 2009

Jordan - Senior '09

I finally figured out how to make my images much larger on the blog, so I hope you enjoy that. No more "click to see this image larger" - just a little more scrolling will do the trick! Now on to the important stuff:

When you have a beautiful person to work with, it's not hard to end up with beautiful images! Here is my cousin Jordan, who will be graduating in just a couple months. She is Valedictorian of her class this year, and will be heading off to Baylor (yea! - my alma mater!) this fall.

The azaleas were in full bloom this past weekend in Longview, and they made for some neat shots. Oh, and let me also mention that it was FREEZING during our shoot. Think 50 degrees and super windy when you see the grassy field shot! Special thanks to my sis-in-law Nancy who was my "assistant" for the afternoon! Can't wait to show you the rest! - Julie

Jordan was a trooper and I think it was worth it!

Can't you see her on the cover a magazine here???

Apr 2, 2009

Studio Time!

As promised, I'm now booking studio shoots in Rockwall. See the announcement below for details. My contact info is on the right hand side of the blog!

Apr 1, 2009

Cookie Time!

I realized that I in my last sneak peek I had not posted any images of the little cookie time we had last week! This was a great idea that his Mom had. Big brother did it a few years back, so she was wanting something to play off of the same idea. He lovvveed the cookie - big surprise there - and was very upset when it had to go bye bye. Here's a little storyboard with a few shots.

Click on the image to see it larger.

Up next - my beautimous cousin Jordan, who is a senior this year!