Four years ago today our big boy joined our family. I can still remember the shock everyone expressed (and feeling quite alarmed myself) at seeing his double chin and 9 lbs 1 oz on the scale! After all, he was supposed to be a 7-8 pounder. Hah!!!
We'll be celebrating him today, but he'll probably enjoy his Lightning McQueen ("white-ning nahqueen") party on Saturday the best. He has been looking forward to this day for quite a while now, and letting me know about all of the toys he sees on TV that he wants for his "birffday".
I coerced him into some "4 year old pictures for Mommy" even though since these were taken before his birthday, he refused to agree they were 4-year-old ones because he was still 3. You just can't argue with that.

J: "Umm, I'm gonna be an artist."
me: "Really? That's great. You're already such a good artist already."
J: "Yeah, I am. But I'm gonna need artist clothes."
me: "Oh. Ok. Well like what? Why?"
J: "I need the artist clothes so I don't get it on my peach."
Translation: No paint on the skin.

me: "Ummmm, well, never."
J: "Yes you are. When are you gonna be it?"
me: "I'm really not. You don't get to change. You're either one or the other."
J: "Yeah. So you're not going to be a boy like Daddy?"
me: "Nope, never. God picks what you'll be - a boy or a girl - right from the start."
J: "Yeah, but I will be sad when I turn into a girl."
(Sigh) Ok, end of conversation.

After recently taking Luke to the doctor, Jameson brought this up:
J: "Mommy, I am going to be a doctor someday."
me: "Ok, sounds good to me. You have to make really good grades in school and try really hard then."
J: "Yeah. I am really smart."
me: "Yes, you sure are. You can be a doctor if you want to."
J: "Yeah, I just gotta wait till I'm growed up. Wait a second, how old was that guy!??!"

Happy birthday to our big boy!