After I posted the mini-sneak peek of the dad's hands holding the baby's feet a couple posts back, my aunt Janet in Nashville emailed me to say it made her think of the song, "He's got the whole world in his hands..." I had actually been trying to think up something clever like that myself but somewhere amidst that train of thought I may've been interrupted a few times to break up a squabble, gotten summoned by "Mah-ommmmm, I'm ready!" from the bathroom by my 4 year old, and scribbled down the Father's Day menu for the weekend while I answered emails while the photo uploaded. Creativity happens best when you are relaxed. Therefore, no clever blog post title resulted.
Any excuse will work I guess!
Here's the full sneak for this fun family of four.
Newest member = Cooper = 12 days. Very happy and content while being held. Being posed and placed and propped - not so much. But that's one of the best things about newborn sessions (any session really) ... they are each so unique to the subject or family being photographed. Love that part of my job.
Ok, seriously now, enough from me!!

I love how Mom and Dad are making the kissy face here because they want brother to do it, too. It's that weird same thing that happens when you're feeding a baby in a high chair with a spoon and your mouth is hanging open wide, eyes popping in coercion. You laugh when you see someone else do it, but then realize you can't help it when it's your turn!

Some sweet Mommy & Baby moments... He finally zonked!!

While Mommy was gone to feed the baby, we caught some cute stuff of Mr. Parker at 19 months. Little sampler:

As you might imagine, big bro was slightly less impressed with his new brother than the rest of us. With the help of snacks and a little candy, we were able to get him close to little Cooper for a few shots.

But this one tells the real story. Check out that finger. It's like he's saying, "See this, this is the problem here, not me!"

Nothin' a little dad time doesn't fix!

Thanks, y'all! Hope you enjoy your sneak peek! :)