This little guy turns two later this month, and his mom wanted to capture him at this stage in life. He is such a smiley, happy boy that I had a hard time catching him with a more serious look on his face. I did manage to get one I really love (see below!)
Like most two year olds, he was full of energy and curiosity. Anyone who has a child this age knows their attention span is shorter than short, and they can't possibly stay in one spot for very long. We kept up with him though, while he tested out every door handle in sight, and showed me his tongue about 23 times!

Yes, a few flowers were ripped from their roots in the taking of this photo, but how can a two year old boy resist that!?!? Totally worth it for this image:

Here's our serious one:

Beautiful, crystal blue eyes....

The best for last...
I had to post this one because although the posed shots are the ones Mom is more likely to frame and display, THIS is what being TWO is really all about!

Happy Birthday, "J". Hope you stay as happy and smiley as you are in all of these photographs!
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