A rather large sneak peek, but here are some of my favorites.

In her stocking...

Wide eyed & awake...

Big sister... Doesn't love the camera or anything...

And back to EK... I thought this shot was hilarious. Really makes me wonder what is going through their little heads sometimes... "Get this thing off my head, now, please." Maybe?

With her being born so close to Christmas, couldn't resist making her a present...

Sleepy little Emma Kate...

Oh, and on the baby plan - I am revamping it just a bit for 2010 and will be posting that on the website under Pricing - Photography in the near future. It is the perfect option for parents who know they want to document their baby's first-year milestones (possibly even while a bun in the oven!) It offers quite a bit of savings over doing the sessions a la carte, and even includes the custom design of birth announcements.
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